Specialized financial and non-financial skills are required to safeguard your individual or business assets and minimize risk. Working with eCPA will help you reduce errors, manage risks, protect assets and maintain control of a more secure financial future for you and/or your company.
Awareness of your financial vulnerabilities and growth opportunities are critical components to defending your financial world. As Certified Financial Forensic accountants, we are professionally qualified to take a deep dive into the merits and integrity of your accounting matters and make recommendations to ensure proper protections are in place.
Establishing internal controls, reviewing accounting records on a regular basis, monitoring financial reports and adopting fraud prevention and detection measures are some of the defensive practices we might recommend for you or your company.
Complex Accounting Issues
If you need help with calculating and quantifying losses and economic damages, negligence claims, business valuation or factual examination of other financial issues, eCPA can assist you.
Forensic accountants are trained to apply their accounting knowledge to legal issues. eCPA possesses the tools, techniques and methodologies to analyze and interpret complex economic data in mediation, for legal presentation and in expert witness testimony.